Yep, another excursion. Gigli and I have been talking about going bobsledding in Jamaica since February. Between inventory, training, Hess audits, and port manning last week was the first (and last) chance we had.
First stop - Dunns River Falls. The shore excursions guy told us that if we go with a Disneyland in July mentality we would be okay. He was right. It was crowded. It was wall to wall people. We were herded like cattle to be with a guide who would lead us up the falls. But like the shore ex guy said, "do your own thing or you'll spend an hour holding hands and shoulder to shoulder with a stranger hurrying up to wait.
We ditched our guide in the first pool and neither he or the photographer were happy about it. They kept shouting at us to come back. But we wanted to be able to sit in the pools or under the falls and enjoy ourselves.
The water was just a tad chilly when we first got in. We are used to the bathtub warm caribbean sea. Tough life, I know.
It was very slippery and because we weren't following a guide we often ended up in waist deep water instead of knee deep. Or we'd take a step and discover there wasn't a rock under our feet but a big step down!
In the photo below see the crowds very politely following the guides up? All single file, holding hands? See the middle where no one is? That's where Gigli and I went. Of course.
But while they all went in an orderly fashion from bottom to top, stopping occasionally for a photo, Gigli and I hang out in small pools along the way, sat under the falls and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
But we could have stayed much longer. That's the trouble with cruise ship excursions, you never get to spend long enough in one place.
See everyone else looking bored? Waiting to go to the next part. Should have come with us.
And this is what happens when you ask some one else to take a photo and they don't pay attention to the water on the cover of your camera. Although it's better than the first one the woman took, which had a huge water spot covering Gigli's head.
The falls are that big. 180 ft high and 600 ft long. But they have the luck of being one of the few waterfalls anywhere in the world that empties directly into the sea.
Dunn's River Falls in Jamaica - much better than cave tubing in Belize.