They would be screaming. Very Loudly. Hubby and I have been going to boot camp 5 days a week.
Unfortunately for me, the workouts can be a little repetitive. Lots of jumping. Jumping Jacks, squat jumps, skipping ropes, burpees... my calf muscles are not recovering between sessions.
In the morning boot camp is held in a Sun Hang Do studio with foam mats on the floor. We aren't allowed to wear our shoes on the mats. The mats are too soft and it's putting extra stress on my calf muscles.
My calf muscles are tight. Too tight. I'm stretching them 2-3 times a day. I'm icing them many times a day.
Today I finally went to my massage therapist. I should have gone days ago. Not only are my calf muscles throwing a revolt but my IT bands are starting to join in.
An hour later, my legs are sore and a little bruised, but feeling better. If I had the $$, I'd get a massage every day. For now once a week will have to suffice.
Oh and I'm taking tonight off. Maybe tomorrow too.